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7 Months Later

I have totally been updating this blog, and I totally, didn't just post 2x and leave it... TOTALLY. Ok.. Mayyyyyybe I got distracted...... For like months..... It'a August..... Whoops....

Well, hi 

Image result for hi gif

Again.... Haha.... This page has totally been revamped, and it took me forever! I don't know why I never posted, I love the customization of this site. I'm exited to post again. I have alot I want to talk about, and I know you've heard that before, I've said it many a times. I mean it though! 

Currently, I'm listening to Pandora, "grandson" radio. I have alot of different music I really have been loving. Blackbear "4U" is currently playing. He's hot. I love him. 

Image result for blackbear singer gif

Now it's Bring Me The Horizon "Can You Feel My Heart" Ugh, another amazing band. I actually want to get a tattoo of the following because music has been such a major part of my life for as long as I can remember. I want it on my wrist where my other 2 tats are. 

Image result for music play pause tattoo

I really want to get into the swing of things again blogging, so I can like really update with my favorite music. THERE'S SO MANY !!! My phone is basically all music. It seriously get's you through so much shit. My taste in music is so wide too. ! Which makes exploring different artists really fun. I know I'm really excited, I just love music so much. How are there people in this life that don't like music?! 

"Loose It" by Oh Wonder is just ending, and it's such a chill vibe song. Something to sway too. On my mental health instagram I am actually doing a 30 day song challenge, it's been great. I'm almost halfway through. Oh my god, I'm not lying when I say my genre is w i d e. "The Drug In Me Is You" by Falling In Reverse is playing now.!!! God, they've had amazing music over the years, I actually want to check out some of their newer music, I heard some earlier and I was like: 

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 Now Area21 "Girls" is playing. My brain is lit. XD Not really, but I am dancing on my bed typing this. Haha. They're deff a band to listen to when you just wanna dance. Party in my room! 

Image result for edm gif

That reminds me. I need to edit the other pages like the about me link or whatever so I can get all that boring jazz out of the way. It also reminds me that I want to introduce you to my bitmoji! It's litterally a mini me! And it's how I describe how I go through things sometimes. Like right now my bitmoji is having a partyy in my head listening to the Area21 radio. 

That's how music makes me feel man. Alive, well, when it's dance music. There are other songs that make you feel so fucking much you cry. 

Anyway that's enough of that. An update on the last 7 months, haven't really been too crazy. Work basically. I'm with my boyfriend still, so that's cool. A lot has happened I guess, but I don't really know where to start and this post is really long now. But yeah, friendships have been somethings I think I've struggled with the most. Along with sobriety. That's something I want to definitely write about because I have MUCH to say on that matter. So with saying that, let's do a check in... 

Sober: May 12th 2018
Safe (Self harm): November 29th 2017

I've had so many relapses over the years, and accepting that I even have a problem with alcohol to begin with has been.... Yeah. But yep, that's my current score? I don't know what to call it. I'm back on grandson radio, the music is just so good. The beat of this song right now is so funky I love it. It's called... "Stay" by Stephen ft. Lindsey Cook. 

So yes, thats a quick (ADHD) update :) 

Until next time yall 

Image result for stay strong gif


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