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Today's Thanksgiving!
So Happy Thanksgiving yall!! :D 

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I hope yall had a great day, and even if you didn't, it's just one day. Tomorrow Thanksgiving is over, and (more then already) CHRISTMAS CULTS BEGIN! Okay, that was dramatic. XD 

Technically Black Friday starts..... Tonight and then tomorrow, and I think through the weekend....... 

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...... Yeah I'll pass. 

But then there's Cyber Monday! 

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A great place for introverts like me!!! (Or those who value their lives.. ) 

But I'm broke, so I won't be doing it. I say that like I do it every year. LOL 

I actually don't know what I'm going to do for people, aside from cards. I was thinking of decorating ornaments but... Eh... That seems like way too much work for my depression to handle if I'm being quite honest. However, I could do handmade cards, instead of just going to the $1 like I always do. Plus, you know, people...... Not my thing. Especially this year. 

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Anyway, moving on. Here's a quick run down of my day.

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(I was feeling under the weather, and my dad made me soup last night - I helped!- so that was my breakfast.... I had 2 bowls.... )

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A tradition to watch the parade! 

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I mixed in some homework between the parade and........

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He was one of my favs... :) *actual gif from this years!* 
And in case you didn't watch (Totally not judging you.........)
The whippet.. Whiskey.. won.. Yay.

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After that my Dad had gotten home and was cooking turkey wings (ew) and sweet potatoes 

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*An actual image of me cooking XD 

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I love sloths... 

ANYWAY youtube and 

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OH and I snapchatted.. ALOT. 

Sooooooooo yeah, my day was pretty chill, It was really nice not having the pressure of getting ready and going out and pretending that everything was great when life sucks. 

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Ummmm I think this is long enough. Soo yeah. :) 


  1. Ahhh, but life does not suck my extended Daughter. You have proven that to yourself several times just "feels" like life sucks. The need if to try to stay away from that feeling.


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