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New Year - New Me




Let's be honest, the new year does make you feel rejuvenated. Can't deny that, and because of that, it makes you want to evaluate what you want to do this year, compared to last. Yet, for most of us, this only last a couple weeks to a couple months, why? Maybe because these goals aren't realistic. Back in high school, I learned what the fuck "smart goals" were. Back then I thought they were so stupid. Now, a few years later, I can see why they make sense and why they made it so important, but no one really cared back then, it was more tedious, then important. 

What are "smart goals" ? I looked up the exact definition of these, to be accurate. 

To make sure your goals are clear and reachable, each one should be:
  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
  • Achievable (agreed, attainable).
  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
  • Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).
Professor Rubin also notes that the definition of the SMART acronym may need updating to reflect the importance of efficacy and feedback. However, some authors have expanded it to include extra focus areas; SMARTER, for example, includes Evaluated and Reviewed.

I wish I had one of my smart goals from high school. It would be really funny to look back on. So, how do you make a resolution, attainable, so you continue it for the upcoming year? 

Some of my goals this year are: 
  • Learn how to love myself again 
  • Start the pescatarian diet journey 
  • Go back to school
  • Get a new job 
  • Go on a road trip 
  • Get back into art and photography and cinematography 

Let's take "Start the pescatarian diet journey" first. As it sounds, it sounds crazy and you look at it like, what? How do I do this?? 

S - Replace meats with fish and protein and cut the white carbs to grains

M - Each month, increase the diet, and introduce new foods 

A - Do check in's with a nutritionist or my sponsor to keep me on track and motivated

R - I will loose weight, and my sugar levels will decrease, and I will feel better. I will learn to cook more. It also helps, that I can't eat a lot of meat anyway, because I don't like it, and it has many oils and grease I can't have anyway 

T -  Create meal plans, that are realistic, and prep meals for the week so after a long day, I don't have to dread cooking

This goal is going to be difficult when it comes to my carb intake (which is way too high), because white carbs are so comforting. I am not rich, and so grabbing fast food (which I can't even eat half the time) is where I go. I want to change this, because clean eating, will without a doubt make me feel 10x better. 

I know I can achieve these goals with the support and motivation of the good outcomes to come. I am looking forward to this journey. Especially because I have issues eating. At least eating healthy, will keep my mind hopefully in a better place, then feeling really shitty after eating way too much crap food, and then not eating the next few days. Or just eating 1 "meal" a day. Eating will always be a struggle, and with clean eating, I believe it will curb those toxic thoughts more, and I will learn (hopefully) that eating (especially nutritionally) is good for my body and my body will thank me. 

So... That's it really. I'll update when I can on it. Umm, yeah, I'm bad at ending these things. 


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