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Showing posts from November, 2018

Gobble Gobble

Haiiiiiii!!!!!  Today's Thanksgiving! So Happy Thanksgiving yall!! :D  I hope yall had a great day, and even if you didn't, it's just one day. Tomorrow Thanksgiving is over, and (more then already) C H R I S T M A S   CULTS BEGIN! Okay, that was dramatic. XD  Technically Black Friday starts..... Tonight and then tomorrow, and I think through the weekend.......  ...... Yeah I'll pass.  But then there's Cyber Monday!  A great place for introverts like me!!! (Or those who value their lives.. )  But I'm broke, so I won't be doing it. I say that like I do it every year. LOL  I actually don't know what I'm going to do for people, aside from cards. I was thinking of decorating ornaments but... Eh... That seems like way too much work for my depression to handle if I'm being quite honest. However, I could do handmade cards, instead of just going to the $1 like I always do. Plus, you know, people...... Not my

Thanksgiving TAG

Helloooooooo!  I've been on a roll today with stuff I'm getting done ! So I figured I would post the blog a day or 2 early! :)  Here we go.  Original:  Thanksgiving Tag   1. What is your favorite Thanksgiving side dish? 2. What is your favorite Thanksgiving dessert? 3. What does your ideal Thanksgiving outfit look like? 4. What is your best Thanksgiving memory? I don't remember it fully, just barely, but my mom and dad used to take me to watch them blow up the balloons in Manhattan, when we used to have an apartment there. Here's a couple pics. Rest in peace mommy. <3 5. Least favorite Thanksgiving dish. My dad, though he's a good cook, makes a weird fruity stuffing with raisins.......... Ew. 6. Do you have any quirky Thanksgiving traditions? I don't think it's quirky, I just HAVE to watch the parade! 7. Where do you and your family usually celebrate Thanksgiving?

Hold Ya Horses

Hola friends! I'm excited to announce the first topic! It's a program slogan. Now I have been in a 12 step program since I was 16 years old, (I'm 23 now). I started in Alateen, and moved in to Alanon, dappled in AA here and there though it wasn't for me. But I've stayed in Alanon.  Alateen, however has saved my life. I am forever grateful for my therapist back in the day who suggested I go. I'm thankful that even though he was a nightmare, my ex went with me. I'm thankful my dad was open to bringing me. I'm not going to get into the details of program because that's not what this is about, just know I'm forever grateful for everyone I've met over the past 7 years. And always rest in peace Debbie. Thanks to her I came back week after week. She really helped build the foundation of the program I have today, and I miss her so much.  Also before I go on, because this needs to be explained if you don't know what these programs are.

More u p d a t e s -- Getting Organized !

I have a LOT of blog ideas. I promise, they're in my bullet journal! I even have Friday's as blog posting day! (Now that I have a schedule- more about that later)  However, I feel like some house keeping is needed from time to time, especially looking back, I can see where I was at that time in my life. I also really like breaking these posts up with gifs :)  OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I was looking for a housekeeping gif and this popped up! XD  Anyway yall. Guess what.  I AM ELEVEN MONTHS SAFE FROM SELF HARM I am almost at a year! It's bittersweet. And I would love to post about self harm, I have alot to say on it. But this isn't that. So I'm keeping it short and sweet. <3  I AM ALSO A COLLEGE STUDENT! Which I think I talked about last post, BUT it's totally hit, and I really really like it. I'm taking 2 classes both of which I have A's in, which I know it's just been a week, but to have an A in a class m