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Showing posts from December, 2018

u p d a t e s

It's that time of the month.. UPDATES!  Usually I write out some things to talk about, but I didn't do that so... Here we go.  SCHOOL : I'm ending week 7, I just gotta do the test this weekend and then I'm all set to start WEEK 8! THE LAST WEEK!!!!! OMG!!!! That's kinda crazy, it's gone so fast, and I've done pretty well. If I don't say so myself.  WORK :  Work is a joke, per usual. Not much to say on that. The managers quitting, his last day is Tuesday, and the boss's are going on a 3 week vacation. The place is gonna burn down in flames. But as my therapist has taught me, positive self talk.. "What if it works out?" We shall see. HOME : Charles took some vacation days, so he's been home.............. *rolls eyes* He's so strange, hell piss me off and I want nothing to do with him, but then we get along. I don't get it. It's not stable, which throws me off, but he's a parent, he's not

Moody & Exhausted

Sigh. Let's not sugar coat this. I'm not doing wonderfully. I'm not sleeping, and it's effecting my moods. I had a completely different blog posting idea. It was on pets! I even was just now researching more on it to write. But it just felt so overwhelming and too much. And I want to give a genuine post, I don't want to BS it because yall aren't stupid, you would see right through that. Someday I will do pets, unfortunately, that won't be today.  Why am I not sleeping? Lord knows. Stress mostly I guess, but I also have some form of insomnia, I don't know which, a doctor told me and put me on a medication that guess what? Didn't work. The past month I've barely slept. I would like to conclude it to my ex being out of jail, and just that subconscious unease. But I'm sure it's a mix of things.  Something that bothers me, is I was told "The pain is over, there's nothing to be upset about anymore." If that was