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Showing posts from March, 2021

Keep Putting One Foot In Front Of The Other And Do The Next Right Thing

  Yeah, I forgot about this blog. Yeah, there's a lot to update on.  1. Lost job due to covid  2. Dad got worse and then passed away peacefully in his sleep 3. No school right now That's the biggest one, my Dad. Realistically I know he's gone, I'm not in denial. I said my goodbyes and he's in a better place. But I still want to tell him stuff and expect him to come back. But I know he wont. I disconnected his phone, credit cards, there's the death certificate, all this stuff, but I still expect him to call me or text me. I made a memorial for him a couple days before he passed because my brain compelled me to do it. I've gotten rid of a bunch of expired and unused food, threw away a lot of stuff. Been getting the main part of the house cleaned up so it's functional for me. I have to go through probate, which is >.< But it's all going to work out. I know that. It's just weird. A part of me knows the house needs the little updates and such, a