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Showing posts from May, 2020

Welcome To My Brain

It's a month later. That's progress. :) Progress not perfection. Anyway, I seem to get into these phases where I'm like obsessed? with my past. I haven't been for a while, been nice. But lately it's been creeping in my head again. I'll explain. So I took out my old Macbook Pro to see if it worked still and if I could get some old videos I've made in the last 10 years. And somehow it turned on!!!!!!! I had spilled beer all over it and was pretty sure it was a gonner, even though I had just fixed it. Anyway after a long couple days of transfering videos to a USB to my Acer it crapped out again, it would turn off but I was able to get it back, I couldn't this last time. I had been debating weither or not to fix it or not just to get 2 more videos. I might still and and pictures just so I have them, you know? But if it's going to be a crazy amount of money then no, because I wouldn't really ever use the laptop again. I rarely use my Dell.  So