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Showing posts from March, 2019

Another Update?

Is it almost April?  ................................. Yup.  School and work just kinda sucked the life out of me since January.  So here's the quick low-down of what's been going on.  I was a manager  I wasn't a manager  School sucked the life out of me, but I'm still getting A's and B's  I have wanted to walk out of my job multiple times  I've cried over my job I've been applying like a fene to other places  I started going to program multiple times a week  Saw an APRN and got on ADD meds Lol they didn't work-made me more manic  Told her everything about my moods and she confirmed I have bipolar disorder.. BIPOLAR DISORDER 1 BY THE WAY NOT 2 JUST 1 LIKE REALLY REALLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYY?  So I'm back on Lamictal  I got blood work to see how my organs were for Lithium I had reserves about that medication to begin with  Got my bloodwork, sugars still high.  She wants me to get a regular doctor, but understands