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Showing posts from October, 2018

Updates + Fall Tag

Hello my lovelies! It's been awhile, mostly I've been stressed out and uninspired. But I'm back! Well let's be optimistic shall we.  ANYWAY. A couple updates before the fun ahead.  I'M GOING BACK TO COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I know! But it's true! I just did one of my first assignments yesterday! I have more to do today because I don't want to fall behind due to my late enrollment. I'm feeling pretty excited and ready for this next chapter of my life.  And now for what you've been *not* waiting for.  F A L L     Q U E S T I O N     T A G ( Original Post ) 1) What signifies the start of autumn to you? The first leaf changing or falling on the ground.  2) Best way to spend a rainy day? Blanket burrito-ing and watching netflix, and having tea or coffee. 3) Your most fond autumn memory? Last year when I was so hyped I took a selfie next to pumpkins.  4) Favou

Blank Page

That's what this page is, a blank page. Well now it's not, but I keep deleting what I start. I don't really know how to start, or what to say. There's a lot. I've taken the past month (technically 2) to myself. I think I've made a lot of little victories. I'm learning that I don't need somebody else romantically. I learned that's actually the last thing I want right now.  A part of me, somewhere beyond the anger and betrayal, is holding out R and I will get back together. He was my future, he was it, the one. And that all crashed down.  Or so it seemed.  There were foundation holes missing and they stacked up and we crumbled to nothing. I will put more of the blame on him, because it is true, he dropped the ball on us. And if we got back together, what about the next time things get hard? Communication was never our strong suit. But I had been changing, I had been doing anything I could do to keep him and have him forever like he s