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Showing posts from December, 2017

Let's Face It - 2017 Sucked!

Hai! My name is Maggz, and I used to have a blog on  Wordpress  It was really nice, but I figured, 2017 has been a whirlwin of crazy, so let's start fresh. Now, everybody on the planet says "New year, new me" "This year is going to be different" "I'm going to get in shape!" ect. It's hard not to feel motivated, but the motivation stops for most, and that's what I'm going to be struggeling with the most. ALOT has gone down this year, and I want to really help myself and possibly others, get through things. Writing has always been a therapy for me. I will link the old blog somewhere, I have some writings, that I truly do like. That yall can check out if you seem interested.  This 2018 I hope to truly get onto the road of recovery. I've been dappling in it, but I need to dive headfirst, and I've been saying that for months. The holidays this year have just been torture and overwhelming, and it's time to be able to get